My Journey

Monday, September 20, 2010

First Day Back

Today, my friends, I am going back to school. Wish me luck! I'm going to need it. I'm so incredibly nervous... My hair's in place, my skin's moisturized, my tiny (and sufficient) lunch is all packed up in my boxes, and I've got a plan for what I'll tell people. "What happened? Where'd you go? We've missed you!" "Oh, thanks. Heh, I just got Hella sick. That's all!" "Really? I don't believe you." "Bitch, if you went through what I went through, you wouldn't want to explain, either". There's the plan. I've been making a lot of plans lately.

I got a fortune cookie with the most relevant fortune ever. "You nourish your body every day. You must also nourish your mind." Perfect. Let's change it around, now, shall we? "You used to only nourish your body every day. Now, you must only nourish your mind." I like the words "only". It's a happy word. Take care... I hope this day doesn't kill me.


  1. I am sending you cuddles for this evening. Be brave, you have the inner strength of a mighty lioness x x x

  2. Good luck, hope your day goes smoothly!
