My Journey

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Excitement much?

When I stepped on the scale this morning after I'd dried off from my shower, it read a magic number. I've lost 10 whole pounds of FAT FAT FAT since I've started this journey. 118.5 is such a beautiful number. I love the way the numbers curve around each other. Tomorrow will be even better. I'm on my way.
The first thing I ate today was a Fruit n' Yogurt Parfait from McDonalds. My sister and grandmother really wanted to go there, and I figured I'd better eat something. At 160 calories, it wasn't bad. There's entirely too much sugar in it, but that's okay. I got these plastic braces-type deals. Ugh... If the issue with my teeth wasn't purely structural, I'd refuse to have this done. I liked my teeth to have a little bit of character like they do, and now that'll be gone. Fuck.
I've got an appointment to get my acne scars burned off (otherwise known as a chemical peel). I'm prepared to be shedding and flaking for the next week. Not okay.

My body feels great, but my energy levels are sooo loooow. I kind of feel awful, actually. I have to resist these cravings... They're the words of the enemy. If I start eating, I know I won't stop. I can't have that. I need to dominate my body. I've done so well thus far. I can't let myself down now.

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