My Journey

Friday, August 6, 2010


I had one small slice of pepperoni pizza. I picked off the pepperoni and set them off to the side. I ate the pizza slice, crust first as always, tiny bite by tiny bite. I made a meal of it, eating it very slowly while my family ate theirs. There are 2 more slices in the fridge... Unfortunately, the pepperoni made it into my mouth and down my gullet. I'd estimate 50 calories over my limit. Totally gross. Tomorrow's a weigh-in. I don't think I'm empty, so I'll drink some tea and hope it all comes up tomorrow morning before my jog with Jake. I need an accurate weight. And I need to see a 4 on the scale some day soon. If not, I very well might kill myself. This is misery. My legs are so ugly, and scaly, and hairy, and unevenly tanned, and... ugly.


  1. My legs are never tanned. I'll trade you my pasty legs for your piebald ones? :p

    If you give up you'll never reach your goal. Hang in there, stay with me ok?

  2. I had my weigh in too - are you wed and sats? Anyhoo, hope yours isnt a disaster. I also would love to see a four , a different 4 to 124! x
