My Journey

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Happiness is...

There are many things that have been keeping me happy since my suicide attempt, but I think the biggest one is visualizing the future and how I'll get there. I want to be an international librarian. I'm learning French, but I plan on learning all sorts of other lanugages (like Russian). I want to end up in the Pacific Northwest (USA) and be a badass, skinny, roller derby-ing, rock concert moshing, baking, aunting for my sister, woman.

Woah... Actually, fuck that woman part. I always want to be a little girl and to have fun. Sometimes I look at my curves when I'm getting dressed, and I think, "Shit, I look so disgustingly fertile!!!" Have I mentioned to you all that I never want kids? Ever? I saw the most beautiful girl last night at the Chinese place. Completely perfect body. Wish I could have descreetle taken a picture to show you guys, but alas, I am not a creeper.

What keeps you guys happy? I'd be very interested to find out. Leave a comment of what it is!


  1. Waking up before sunrise when it's cold and quiet makes me happy.... I'm learning French and Russian too- Bulgakov and Moliere are mind-blowingly good! gl

  2. Feeling empty, feeling useful, being busy.
    Going for long walks when the air is all cold and crispy.
    Painting and printing and drawing. Taking photos.
    Feeling for bones and finding them.
    Reading something exciting.
    Painting my nails an interesting colour.
    And always
    Watching a Johnny Depp film.

    Keep smiling x
