My Journey

Thursday, October 7, 2010

October 7, Little Miss Calamity

No pictures today, either!!! I weigh 118 pounds. I'm excited to see that 7. Yay!

Ugh... I'm so weird. I love the smell of weed. Correction:I love the smell of weed on boys. You know, that smell that kind of smells like dank fabric softener? I love it... I just want to snuggle up to it. I'm completely straight edge. I don't even drink coffee anymore. But I love the smell. There's this boy who sits next to me in French. We'll call him E. We had a standardized test yesterday, and E was completely stoned. Like, stoned out of his mind, which was weird, because I didn't think he smoked. He always seemed like a good kid. Anyway, he was stoned out of his mind, and when I saw him in French he smelled amazing. I wanted to just jump into his arms. Obviously I didn't. Duh. But I wanted to. J used to smell the same way, although the attraction wasn't as strong because he wasn't as cute as E is.

I'm just ranting right now. I'm so sexually frustrated currently without any outlet for it. Something needs to happen. Something. Anything. Sex takes my mind off of food. Food is the enemy. Today I was good about food. I treated myself a little, but I was good. Orange juice and dinner. Except I ate dinner early and drank 2 glasses of orange juice. I hope the rest of you are doing as well. We're going to drop this weight. We're gonna be pretty! Yay!


  1. I love you, I am not a guy, but I love you :-P

    I went awol for a few days, but I am back on track. I hope. I am having 4 liquid days, because I totally ate far too much for the past idkhowmany days... eiiiiiiiiiik

    i love you i love you i love you

  2. you are doing do well... i know that smell you are talking about, i don't even smoke anything but i still understand...
    stay strong, you post was so inspiring... in lots of ways
