My Journey

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Testing, 123...

I missed a major novel test this morning in my Humanities class. I'm fucked if she won't let me make it up. I threw up when I was in the shower this morning (not on purpose, though that's a good idea...) and I almost passed out from being light-headed, so I decided to not go to my morning classes and stay home. I also decided it wouldn't be healthy for me to fast today, so I ate here and there and everywhere. Things just haven't been the same since I was hospitalized. My control's slowly but surely coming back, but my stress level is skyrocketing and it's nearly impossible to control a hopping hare flying through the air on fire, like I am right now. I've got so much due... I've got so many teacher-student relationships fucked up already. Why can't I just be honest with my Honors Comp teacher when she asks me if I'm okay? NO, I'm NOT okay! YES, I DO need to have a later due date on that assignment. Why? Because school is running me into a fucking brick wall and the only way out is to starve, but I can't starve if I'm a little rabbit, now, can I? No, I can't. No sir. And then there's my mother. I can hear her now... "You weren't really sick today, now, were you?" Yes, mother. I was sick as a dog. I can't stand people right now. I can't sleep, because I have to work. But I need to sleep. I NEED SLEEP! I need rest. I need a break!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry hun it will get better and how could she not let you make up the test I would become irate if that happened to me. Sorry love I hope you get the much needed rest tonight and this weekend!
    X lyndee
