My Journey

Friday, November 12, 2010

I'm slowly falling into obscurity the more that I decide to eat. I want to be like the rest of you girls again. I want to be 113 pounds again. I'm officially back where I started. At 128.5 pounds. How disgusting is that?


  1. one good week is all you need, and 128 will become 124 will become 120 will become 116 will becme 112. And look, you are past 113.

    I know it feels awful, I know binging or eating makes us miserable, because I have had the biggest blip weekend in these two weeks of more control. And now I want to fast but is that a good idea and if I don't will I keep binging, do I trust myself to eat at all in this case? So confusing, so much self-loathing, but you are wonderful, and I know your pretty little face and I can tell you you are lovely until the stars fade into eternity.

    Shall we both try and have a positive day tomorrow? It might be good for us - the more I loathe myself after eating, the more likely I am to keep eating. Which makes no sense, because last week I loathed myself too much to eat. So i dont understand our brains.

    I am going to TRY and fast for 4 days, but have acceptable kcal limits at 500kcal if my willpower is not with me. You can join along if you want. We can do this, we need to believe it to achieve it. We need faith in ourselves because it isn't easy but we are stronger than we both know.

    LOVE x

  2. How tall would you say you are, my dear?
