My Journey

Monday, November 15, 2010


It's been forever since I last posted. Lola, I promise to be a better blogger for you, as for the rest of you readers. It's just that I've been trying to split my time between recovering from being sick and schoolwork. I always pick schoolwork over resting, because I get overwhelmed if I don't.

There's this great local band that you all need to check out (local from where I live). They're called The Summer Soundtrack. They're trying to go on tour of the East Coast of the States, but need more money. They've been out on the sidewalks panhandling and stuff. I saw them yesterday near a Walmart and gave them two bucks. We chatted a little bit, too. Really sweet guys. Check them out!

In response to Keira's comment, I am 5'4". And Lola, you are such a freaking sweetheart!

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