My Journey

Saturday, May 22, 2010


Okay, so the past two days have been full of eating, eating, and more eating. I don't feel so great about myself. In fact, I've really got to get my butt back into gear. Yesterday I had Bible study, and ate these super delicious sandwiches. That were also full of fat and sugar. It was awful. Awful, awful, awful. And today I've had at least 1,500 calories and very little exercise. Tomorrow needs to get me back on to my routine. 800 calories. Little fat and sugar. Lots of water! 2,000 calorie workout. I've decided that I'm not allowed to treat myself to new things unless I get all of my daily goals completed each day for two weeks. If I follow the rules, I can get myself something new and small (and cheap, and not food-related obviously) to reward myself.
My family and I might be getting a dog, which would be awesome because I'd have a running partner. A long time ago, we picked up a dog off the side of the road. It was a Border Collie who'd been abandoned and just dropped off in the desert, and he was the sweetest thing ever. We kept him and named him Nick. He was totally my dog. He was my best friend, and about three summers ago we had to put him down because he had an enlarged heart. And three years later, we've decided it's time for another one. He'd be my dog. I certainly want a boy who's not a puppy, and he'd have to be fluffy and a snuggler ;) Snuggly Border Collies are the best things in the world.
Well, wish me luck on staying strong tomorrow and the rest of the week. School ends on the 26th! Yay! Means more time for exercising. Makes me happeh... I hope somebody finds me.

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