My Journey

Saturday, June 19, 2010

You want Chinese food???

No, I do not want Chinese food. Today was... not quite as great as it could have been. I took Jack (my dog) for a mile-long walk, and that totally took care of breakfast-related calories. Around 1 this afternoon I was so dizzy and about to collapse. So, I gave into temptation, trying not to ingest anything that I'd seriously regret in an hour when I had to go out and work it off. I fixed myself some chicken broth (20 calories) and some noodles (270 FUCKING calories), and ate that with a piece of toast (80 calories). I was just so hungry. It was no bueno. I totally would have had more though, if I couldn't see each and every ounce of fat materializing on my body with each bite I took. I finished and then went on a 4-mile walk. I totally should have done more. The blisters on my feet were making me writhe with every step.
AND THEN (!!!), I had to take my grandmother and super-duper childish, 40-year-old uncle to dinner at their favorite Chinese place. I was in no shape to drive since I was still really dizzy, but I did it anyway. I had brought along a plastic ware container so I could spit stuff out of my mouth and still appear to be eating, but my uncle sat on the same side as me... I ordered some chicken and snow peas with the icky brown sauce on the side, ate all the snow peas and the carrots that came with it along with a little bit of white rice, and put the chicken in the container as left-overs. I ended up getting a text from that ex-boyfriend of mine, saying that he was starving (which he probably was, because the people he's staying with are stoners, and also very, very irresponsible with little regard for the safety and well-being of not only my ex, but also of their own children), so I drove my left-overs to him. He appreciated them a lot.
I'm drinking some of that tea of mine, hoping that it'll flush out all those vegetables and whatever's left in my body from my lunchtime binge. I feel awful... But now it's time for a calorie-count! (yay!) Under 500??? We shall see...

B - cantaloupe - 23
coffee - 2
sugar - 16
L - chicken broth - 20
toast - 60
noodles - 270
D - snow peas - 40
carrots - 27
rice - 25

Good day... Lots of exercise. I'm off to do some more. Much love!

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