My Journey

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Back To The Park For Good

I just got back from a walk, burning about 500 calories. I'm going to start going back again, because I need the exercise and it helped me drop so much weight earlier in my journey. When school starts back up again I'll have a better time of things because I'll have so much homework. Also, our lunch period is 50 minutes long and the school's right next to the park where I walk (we're allowed off-campus), so instead of eating I'll be walking every day. Sounds pretty boss, right? I'm so excited for the first day. I've got a test in my literature class that day, but it'll be good, because I'll do so well on it and have a ton of motivation for the rest of the year in that class. I also have a really pretty dress picked out to wear... I've never posted a picture of myself to my blog. Maybe when I'm all dolled up for school it'll be the perfect time. I'm going to be more lovely by that time, I know it. Not quite as fat as I am now. So I'll look perfect in my dress. Oh. And my face is clearing up.

The website I use to calculate my calorie expenditures has all these other calculators. I calculated what my ideal "healthy weight" is. 130. That's so freaking disgusting. Even at 128.5 my body was soooo fat and bulky. How could somebody possibly be 130 pounds and be considered "healthy"? Gross. I'll never be over 128.5 again, as long as I live and care about how others see me.

Gosh... I hope life picks up. It'll keep me out of the house more. I'm doing a total purge on my room before school starts. It's been so rewarding! 2 trash bags full of useless JUNK has been sitting around my room, and that's only the papers and stuff sitting on my bookshelves! I'm kind of a bit of a slob... That's going to change this year. The time I'm not spending vegging out on the couch, EATING, will be spent staying pretty and keeping my room tidy. That sounds so boss. Saying all this makes me wonder why I ever have wanted to eat in the past. It seems like such a ridiculous waste of time, no? Yes. My time is precious. My body is precious. I'll keep both sound and safe where they belong. Weigh-in tomorrow. Wish me luck.

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