My Journey

Monday, August 23, 2010

Doggie Binge Afternoon

Welp, my dog went on a huge binge today, but luckily I didn't! My mom bought these frosted animal cookies as a treat for me on the first day of school (I about panicked because last time we had them in the house I ate them all...), so Gillian opened them up, ate one, fed one to the dog, Jack, and then we left to go downtown. When we come back, the cookies are off the counter, and the bag of Ramen noodles that my mom left on the floor (so irresponsibly) is torn open and little Ramen crumbs lead to Jack. We see two packages AND an empty bag of animal cookies!!! Hah! So, now there's less Ramen to tempt me, NO cookies to tempt me, and a very, very sick puppy-dog. So... NOW for some pictures. My sister Gillian's in them because I didn't know what I'd say if mom asked me why I wanted her to take pictures of me :P

I know my faces are way retarded... I get nervous and weird in front of the camera, and don't take good photos, anyway. Ahh, well.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh you are sooooooooooooooooo beautiful and really cute. also, you remind me a bit of kirsten dunst and i think shes stunning

    love xx
