My Journey

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Getting Better All The Time

I've gained a little. I'm not too concerned, though. Today's going to be a day of recovering from all the calorie-burning I've done the last couple days. I went to a show night before last. Moshed the whole night and other such things. Then yesterday we did a river float. I kayaked for 3 hours and was in the canoe for 30 minutes. Now, if only I'd stop eating so much I'd be set. Eating is so disgusting... It's unnatural to stuff your face. We should spend time doing things, not eating so we can do things. I'm tired of not being able to drive... I want to go to some thrift stores...

1 comment:

  1. We should TOTALLY go Op-Shopping together! :D SO much fun!

    OMG think of what that muscle will passively burn when you're done building it! :0
