My Journey

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

3 Starbursts - 60
brownies (too many) - God knows
1 Chikc-fil-a nugget - 32.5
1 bite of Velveeta shells and cheese - too much

So... Not a horrible day. There was also some cereal after school, but only because I was in robot mode. That must stop. That will not happen tomorrow. And I'm glad I'm beginning to memorize the calories in things I see every day and that are offered to me. I'll be able to count as I go. It's actually really cool. My brain does it automatically as I eat sometimes. It helps me keep on track. It helps me stay beautiful like all of you.

1 comment:

  1. I think you are wonderful too - and wait and see, give us both 2 months, we will be clsoe to our goals. I know it. I hate this feeling of fat. it keeps me from doing almost everything. it needs to go. and you can understand, you started around my weight. How awful did it feel. I cannot wait to get to where you are now again, my cute and adorable inspiration

    love you x
